In real life, my first profession was singing. If I do say so myself, I do not suck. Almost all of my formal education post-secondary school has been in music. I've taught voice professionally and I've sung a lot of places, both professionally and as a volunteer. In recent years, health and family concerns as well geographical issues, have limited my opportunities for singing publically. I really, really miss singing for an audience. At long last, I've decided to take the plunge and start performing music in virtual worlds. I am not planning to offer myself up as a virtual lounge lizard (at least not yet), not that I am above lounge singing. I used to make a decent living doing just that in clubs in and around NYC. I rather liked the work, to tell the truth, even in the skankier dives. But I liked giving short recitals better. Since singing in virtual worlds will not be about money-making, I plan to go with ...