Live Lit With Freda Frostbite: Escape From Pig Hill
Freda Brings Escape From Pig Hill To The Haven Fridays at 6 am* In Local Voice In her first life, Freda has recently written and published a novel. The new book, Escape From Pig Hill, is first being published in serialized form on her other site . Fridays, in Second Life, she is sharing the whole book in live performances at The Haven. The tale is told at 6 am* each Friday and Freda will be back to read more every Friday until the story is complete. Join Freda this Friday at 6 a.m. as she shares her writing in the shade of the old-time tent at the Lasata Tent Revival Campgrounds . . . circa 1956. This week Freda will perform segments of her new novel, Escape From Pig Hill, and talk a bit about the process of getting the book from her head to the reading (and listening public). *All times are US Pacific Time. Here's your ride: ...