
Showing posts from August, 2015

Final Installment of Escape From Pig Hill, Friday at 10 am PST, Book Island, Second Life

Friday, August 21, 10 AM PST Freda In Progress:  Escape From Pig Hill by Stephanie Mesler Local Voice Writers' Block Café, Book Island, SL It's not the end of Donny's story but it is the end of Escape From Pig Hill, first book in The Ballad of Donny Granger.   This is the week Donny and Mags finally make the break from those who have tried to hold them back and keep them down.  Jeremiah Adelbaum will receive his just reward and Daddy Granger will have one less son to mold into his own image.  Join us on Book Island in Second Life to learn how Donny and Margaret will make their escape from Pig Hill.

Live Lit Presents Llola Lane And Her Charming Picture Stories, Monday at 10 AM PST, Book Island, SL

Monday, August 10, 10 AM PST Live Literature:  Llola Lane, Picture Stories Local Voice Writers' Block Café, Book Island, SL LLola Lane of Ozland fame in Second Life and Inworldz will present some of her lovely picture stories.  Always inspiring! 

Freda In Progress, a Special Sunday Edition-- Beta Reading GodSongs

Sunday, August 9 at 3pm PST FIP: GodSongs by Stephanie Mesler In Local Voice Freda's Fantasy, UUtopia, Second Life   GodSongs is due for publication in September.  Sections of the collection have been performed at various sites around the metaverse.  The book has been through the editing and proofreading process twice.  It is now time to read the whole thing, end to end, to listeners inworld so that we have one last chance to catch any errors that have slipped by poet, editor, and proofreader.  The whole process should take just over an hour.  I hope you will join us for a beta-reading of GodSongs by Stephanie Mesler.                 

Freda Sings September 6-- If You Want An Invitation, Contact Freda

In real life, my first profession was singing.  If I do say so myself, I do not suck.  Almost all of my formal education post-secondary school has been in music.  I've taught voice professionally and I've sung a lot of places, both professionally and as a volunteer.  In recent years, health and family concerns as well geographical issues, have limited my opportunities for singing publically.  I really, really miss singing for an audience.    At long last, I've decided to take the plunge and start performing music in virtual worlds.  I am not planning to offer myself up as a virtual lounge lizard (at least not yet), not that I am above lounge singing.  I used to make a decent living doing just that in clubs in and around NYC.  I rather liked the work, to tell the truth, even in the skankier dives.  But I liked giving short recitals better.  Since singing in virtual worlds will not be about money-making, I plan to go with ...

Monday, August 3, 10 AM PST Live Literature: Batfishing In The Rainforest by Randy Wayne White

Monday, August 3, 10 AM PST Live Literature:  Batfishing In The Rainforest by Randy Wayne White Local Voice Writer's Block Café, Book Island, SL  Randy Wayne White is the author of, among other things the Doc Ford and Hannah Smith mystery series.  White is a Florida author, a former TV personality, and fishing guide.  He also owns the restaurant chain, Doc Ford's.  Batfishing In The Rainforest is his "collection of strange tales of travel and fishing."  This collection was born of the writer's work as a columnist with Outside magazine.  White is a great story-weaver with interesting life adventures to share.  Batfishing in The Rainforest is just the tip if the iceberg.