
Showing posts from July, 2016

August at Freda's Place(s)

Please join Freda's Place inworld and follow Freda's Place on Facebook or Google+ to receive regular notifications of events at Babble Arts Center and Frostbite Thane.  Sundays:  2:30 PM Freda In Progress The author reads from works in progress and recently completed works.  Usually at Babble Cafe and Books. Arts Center Tuesdays: 12 noon Writers' Chat Arts Center Wednesdays: 12 noon Kitely Community Chat Thane Wednesdays: 6:00 PM Hump Day Happy Hour Arts Center Thursdays:  1:00 PM Almost Friday Happy Dance In August, these dances will be held at The History Month Island. Details TBA Fridays: 1:00 PM Ceci Dover Live at BabbleOn! Nights Ballroom and Cabaret Formal. Arts Center Saturdays: 11:00 AM BabbleOn! Nights Ballroom and Cabaret Formal.  Details TBA Arts C...

Another Sunday-- Four More Literary Events For Writers and Readers!

10:30 AM Quicky Poetry Fun and fast poetry creation session. Using various prompts and games, those gathered will create new poems each week. I promise, this really IS fun! Please have voice enabled so that you can hear each week's poem plan. Adults only because I have no intention of censoring what anyone is inspired to write or share.** This Week: LIMERICKS **Participants will have the opportunity to have their writings included in the first edition of OS Babble Journal Please, choose Writers' Studio on the Teleporter at the welcome area or use the blam gate just outside. Arts Center 12:00 Noon Writers' Chat Writers of all genres are invited to this open discussion of all things writerly. Please, choose Cafe on the Teleporter at the welcome area or use the blam gate just outside. Arts Center 2:30 PM Babble Open Mic Come to sing or play song, tell a story, read a poem. Dance for us, perform a play, tell us j...

Four Sunday Events at Babble Arts Center in Kitely

9:30 AM Grid Time: WRITERS' CHAT Writers' Studio at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center Writers of all genres are invited to this open discussion of all things writerly.  In local text chat. 10:30 AM Grid Time: FICTION TO GO (1st and 3rd Sundays) Writers' Studio at Babble Arts Center, Kitely Arts Center We'll gather weekly and then explore literature and writing together. Each week we will write (very) short fiction based on fun and inspiring prompts.  Each week, Freda will explain the guidelines and we'll have fun writing and sharing.  Please have voice enabled so that you can hear that explanation.  Adults only because I have no intention of censoring what anyone is inspired to write or share.** **Participants will have the opportunity to have their writings included in the first edition of OS Babble Zine.  2:30 PM Grid Time: BABBLE OPEN MIC Babble Café and Books at Bab...