Due to an unexpected medical appointment, Freda is rescheduling tonight's performance of Lullabies. Here is the updated poster. Hope you can attend one of the three performances.
The Belles' Revival will premier Friday, August 25 at 5 PM SLT (Party With DJ Rosa To Follow). There will be a second performances Saturday, August 26 at 12 Noon SLT (Party with DJ Vance To Follow). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UUtopia/79/243/2538
Mrs. Piozzi's Soirees Thursdays at 5:30 PM PST Rocca Sorrentina, Second Life Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi is back from Tivoli and getting over her great loss among friends on Rocca Sorrentina in Second Life. Being born with a stiff upper lip, Hester has decided the best way forward is, well, forward . In order to re-establish her place in local society, Mrs. Piozzi requests the honor of your company this Thursday night at 5:30 PM PST. At that time, her selected friends will gather for social conversation (RP). The topic on Hester's mind is human flight. Recently (January 1785), two gentlemen - one French, one American -- crossed the English channel in a hot air balloon. Hester is fascinated with the notion that men and - Dare she imagine it? - women might one day fly about in balloons, traveling from place to place untethered and free! Please come to discuss this and other topics on our minds in this very modern age, May of ...
Freda Brings Escape From Pig Hill To The Haven Fridays at 6 am* In Local Voice In her first life, Freda has recently written and published a novel. The new book, Escape From Pig Hill, is first being published in serialized form on her other site . Fridays, in Second Life, she is sharing the whole book in live performances at The Haven. The tale is told at 6 am* each Friday and Freda will be back to read more every Friday until the story is complete. Join Freda this Friday at 6 a.m. as she shares her writing in the shade of the old-time tent at the Lasata Tent Revival Campgrounds . . . circa 1956. This week Freda will perform segments of her new novel, Escape From Pig Hill, and talk a bit about the process of getting the book from her head to the reading (and listening public). *All times are US Pacific Time. Here's your ride: ...
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