Lulabelle Gimlin's Diary: Things Are Looking Up

January 23

Well, it seems that Mr. Heximer Thane's newfound interest in the lady publisher who just moved here from New York City has been good for me in more ways than one.  Of course, there's been the expectable relief that he is not so likely to recognize me from back home now that he is not following me around town, watching my every move.  It's also made it so I can focus on writing my novel.  I've been back to work on that every single day since the day I first saw Mr. Thane with that red head, Miss Frostbite.  I heard Miss Trolley call that lady a tart, but she doesn't look like any fancy lady I ever did know, not that we had any back home, but I can imagine what a fancy lady would like like and I'm sure Miss Freda Frostbite doesn't look like one at all.  I also heard-- I think it was from Miss Patti, the librarian -- that the new lady plans to publish a collection of writings by local authors.  I wonder of she'd be interested in looking at my book when it's done.  I haven't had the nerve to talk to her yet, but I think it could be a very good sign for me that Philomenaville is now home to a book publisher run by a real New York editor! 

And now I'd best get back to work on my novel.  I just got the part where Lee gets in big trouble for locking that Wesley boy in the stables! 

I don't think Miss Patti or the lady publisher saw me across the
street when they were having coffee the other day. 


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