Risen Like A Pheonix in Opensim!

The landing pad at Belle Terre. 
Walk through the blam gates or click the events board to get to our many destinations.
 grid.kitely.com:8002:Belle Terre 
My readers may or may not have noticed I recently took a long break from this blog and from virtual worlds.  I needed the time off to deal with some very real first life health issues and to realize how very much I miss creating beauty, art, and community in virtual worlds when I am not in them.  A couple months ago, I quietly made my return and started building Belle Terre, Hex and my new home in Kitely.  Recently,  I've begun hosting and performing events in the metaverse, almost all in Opensim.

What's the same as it always was?  Well, for starters, my husband in all worlds, Heximer Thane, is with me in this new venture.  He's building a bit in Kitely, too, and he is often onhand to help me host events and to cheer me on when I perform.  Of course, I'm still a virtual clothes horse and fashionista.  I still push poetry and music on anyone who crosses my path.  I still want to make the metaverse a more artful place, providing space and opportunities for talented performing, writing, and visual artists, and I want to make my part of it welcoming, easy to access and explore, and lush.  It's a work in progress, but Belle Terre is meant to feel like an escape into luxury for anyone and everyone who lands there.

What's changed?  As Freda, I am tackling a couple of new projects, HG Art Talks, which will start in 2020, and Expositions in The Tiki Art House (Pro Tip:  There is a show already hanging there, waiting for me to schedule it's premier.) and The Attic Gallery (which will open in March 2020).  There are a boardwalk under construction, a Gatsby era nightclub, and a Burlesque museum, which will open late in 2020.  Also, there are some shifts in personal.  I used to use an alt, Lark Noctirne, to sing in virtual worlds and another, Jezebel Magic, to run The Jezebelles Dancers.  In the interests of simplicity, I have mostly retired them both and I do all the work as Freda.  Also, significantly, Belle Terre is rated ADULT.  That was another move I made in order to make my virtual life simpler.  No more worrying if one of The Belles will forget to put her panties on or some visitor might be offended by language in poems or nudity in art.  And, since Belle Terre is rated A, it has a clothing optional beach.

I do hope you will come see me in Belle Terre.  Wander around and make yourself to home.  You are invited to be a part of this arts community.

grid.kitely.com:8002:Belle Terre


  1. Freda, thank you for embracing the arts and enriching the OpenSim community with your vision. It is nice to see you recharged with Hex by your side, we appreciate him too! It is very exciting to see the venues you have planned.

  2. Thanks for your kind words. I am really happy to be where I am in my virtual life. It greatly enriches the one I live when I am not at my keyboard.


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