Live Literature at The Haven: Can a Meany Learn Friendship?

Freda Brings Escape From Pig Hill To The Haven
Fridays at 6 am* In Local Voice

In her first life, Freda has recently written and published a novel.  The  new book, Escape From Pig Hill, is first being published  in serialized form on her other site.  Fridays, in Second Life, she is sharing the whole book in live performances at The Haven. The tale is told at 6 am* each Friday and Freda will be back to read more every Friday until the story is complete. 

Join Freda this Friday at 6 a.m. as she shares her writing in the shade of the old-time tent at the Lasata Tent Revival Campgrounds . . . circa 1956.
Last week, in Chapter 11 of Escape, we learned why Mean Margaret Adelbaum is so mean.  This week Freda will perform chapters Twelve and Thirteen.  Find out of Donny's Mama is getting well again and see what our hero does to change a bully into a friend. 
 *All times are US Pacific Time. 
Here's your ride:   


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