A Virtual Letter From Fanny Burney to Lorsagne de Sade

8 December, 178?
Dearest Friend, Lorsagne,

Oh my dearest companion, how I have missed you these last months.  While I have been overjoyed at being home in London with Father and Susan and Hetty-- and while it has been good to see Dr. Johnson, though I am afraid I have to report that dear man has not been well of late, especially since that woman's departure.  He must feel adrift for lack of her presence and support.  I know it might seem I am jealous of her, but I assure you the opposite is the case.  Or was in the past.  Hopefully, now that she has run off to Italy with that new husband, she finds herself more focused on herself and him than on me and the foibles that she perceives in my character. 

In the meantime, I am happy to report I shall soon be in France and very near your home!  I am to deliver some work of father's to a monk set to translate his words into flawless French for publication across the channel.  Father himself is unable to travel just now, being utterly buried under work here.  I do hope you and I can get together in the very near future.  I have always longed to see The Haven.  Am I too brazen in asking directly if I might visit you there? 

I would also like to report that I have seen George Chamberlain and he has seen me.  Not a word passed between us, which is better than at least one of the alternatives.  I will tell you more of this encounter when I see you, assuming of course a meeting is desirable for you too.  I would also hope to share with you some parts of Cecelia, the work currently being undertaken by this inadequate author.  I know English is not your language of choice for writing or reading but I look to your knowledge of the human mind, particularly the female mind, and your insights into the romantic inclinations of young people of both sexes. 

This letter will be in the post by mid-morning and I shall be on a boat, crossing the sea seven days from now.  I do hope you have time for this wandering friend who loves you and misses you. 

Your Friend And Confidante,

You may read more of Fanny's Virtual Diary and Letters on this website. 

Fanny's Virtual Diary and Letters are FICTIONAL.  They are also my sole property.  Fanny Burney's Virtual Diary and Letters are copyright (C) Stephanie Mesler 2014.  You may not republish these virtual diary entries and letters in any form.  


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